Guest on People and Things podcast, broadcast April 22, 2024, where I talk about my work with host Dr. Lee Vinsel. See here.

Guest on The Economist’s Babbage podcast, “Why the lunar South Sole is the latest focus in the new space race,” August 16, 2023.

Guest on The Last Soviet, 8-episode podcast on iHeartRadio, February 8 to April 12, 2023.

Guest on The Russia File podcast of the Kennan Institute, the Wilson Center on “Rethinking the Space Race,” April 26, 2021.

Guest on NewsSpace India, “A space historian’s perspective of the early days of Indian space activities,” November 6, 2020.

Guest on Mission ISRO series, Spotify Studios, August-November 2020.

Guest on “Nine Days in July” podcast on iHeartRadio, December 2019 to February 2020.

Guest on “Space Policy Edition: The Soviet Moonshot” episode of the Planetary Radio podcast, June 7, 2019. [scroll up to the top]

Guest on NPR Science Friday for “Science Goes to the Movies: ‘First Man’,” October 26, 2018.

Guest on New Books Network (Russian and Eurasian Studies) podcast to discuss the Red Rockets’ Glare: Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination, 1857-1957, on September 30, 2016. Link here.

Guest on “The Space Show” podcast, February 22, 2015.

Guest on “Footnoting History” podcast, August 30, 2014.

Guest on “The Race Today,” interview with WGBH NOVA, November 13, 2007.

Guest on “Fordham Conversations,” WFUV Public Radio, April 28, 2007.




Chertok Memoirs